LAAS Exam Engine Android app : Help contents

Exam engine help contents

I. Learning And Assessment Engine

1. Test Module Operations : LAAS exam engine allows user to add any number of test modules (Database created using LAAS author module). Each test module is treated as a separate exam and can be used independently.

  • Import Test Module (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to import a test/assessment module created using laas author engine into assessment engine.

  • Import Test Module (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to import test/assessment modules from a URL into assessment engine.

  • Updating Test Module : This option allows user to update a test/assessment module which was imported before.

  • Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove a test/assessment module from assessment engine.

2. Lesson operations : Assessment engine allows user to add any number of lessons (detailed notes files arranged in subject/topic/sub topics created using laas author engine).

  • Import Lesson (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to import a lesson created using laas author engine into assessment engine.

  • Import Lesson (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to import lesson from a URL into assessment engine.

  • Updating Lesson : This option allows user to update a lesson which was imported before.

  • Removing Lesson : This option allows user to remove a lesson from assessment engine.

  • Viewing Lesson : This section will describe how to view the imported lessons, bookmark the topics etc.

3. Taking a test : Assessment engine allows candidates to take exam in different modes, save results to view later and review questions

  • Start a Test :This section shows how to start taking an test using assessment engine.

  • Candidate Login : Assessmet engine allows candidate to take exam using a username, results for each username can be viewed independently.

  • Modes : Assessment engine allows candidate to take test in two modes

  • Exam Screen : This section will describe how exactly the questions will be presented to candidate and the options available to help him take exam.

  • Question Types Supported : This section will show how various supported question types are displayed to candidate.

  • Grade Screen : This section will describe how the performance of the candidate will be shown at end of the exam.

  • Save Results and Review Question : At the end of each exam candidate is given an option to save the results, which can be reviewed later.

  • View Previous Results : This option allows candidates to view their previously saved results.

  • Exam Configuration : This feature allows exam supervisor to set configuration options (number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage etc), allowed exam modes (learn, exam), permitted buttons (review, pause timer, bookmarking etc)

  • Customize logo : This feature allows to add a custom logo in LAAS exam engine.

  • Reset logo : This feature allows to reset to default logo in LAAS Exam Engine.

4. Paper Pen Exam Engine : Anandsoft eLearn Paper Pen exam engine allows candidates to take offine exams.

  • Import Paper (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to import a question paper module for paper pen exam created using laas author engine into assessment engine.

  • Import Paper (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to import a question paper module for paper pen exam from a URL into assessment engine.

  • Updating Paper : This option allows user to update a already imported question paper.

  • Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove a question paper module from assessment engine.

  • Start a Test : This section shows how to start taking paper pen exam using assessment engine.

  • Candidate Login : Assessment engine allows candidate to take exam using a username, results for each username can be viewed independently.

  • Exam Screen : This section will describe how exactly the question paper will be presented to candidate and the options available to help him take exam.

  • View Previous Results : This option allows candidates to view their previously saved results.

  • Exam Configuration : This feature allows exam supervisor to set configuration options.