Various question types supported by CBT Software-Exam Engine are:
1. Multiple Choice Single Answer : In this question type minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose one correct answer. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
2. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer : In this question type minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose minimum two correct answer. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
3. Drag and Drop Type1(Image Type): In this question type a question along with a image and answer options are provided. Image will have "place holders" which have to be correctly filled by the candidate based on the question asked. Candidate must drag the answer options provided to correct "place holder". Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
4. Drag and Drop Type2(Text based1) : This type of question is similar to match the following type question but with a drag and drop interface. User has to drag each left element to the correct spot on the right. A drag-and-drop interaction involves a drag source and a drop target. Users drag the drag sources and drop them onto drop targets. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
5. Drag and Drop Type3(Text based2): This type of question is similar to match the following type question but with a drag and drop interface. In this question type candidate must arrange the option given on the left in correct sequence on the right . User has to drag each left element to the correct spot on the right. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
6. Testlet : In this question type candidate is given a scenario based on which multiple questions are asked. The given scenario is called the main question, and questions asked based on it are called sub questions. Sub questions can be "Multiple Choice Single Answer" type or "Multiple Choice Multiple Answer" type. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
7. Hotspot : This kind of question presents the user with an image. In order to answer the question, user has to click particular spot on the image. There are no visible clues unless it builds with an image itself. The user has to know which part of the picture to select, without relying on suggested answers or other guidance. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen
8. Fill in the blanks : In this type of question candidate is given a phrase ,sentence or paragraph with one or more blank spaces. Candidate must type correct answers in provided blank spaces to complete the phrase ,sentence or paragraph.
9. Media Type questions : In this question type candidate is provided with an Audio or Video based on which questions are asked. Minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose one or more correct answer.