Browse/Add Test Modules(URL) : We provide a library of Test Modules which can be used in CBT Exam Engine
To Browse through our library from Exam Engin Click on "Browse/Add Test Module(URL)" button
You will be presented with a screen which lists all the free library modules we are offering.
Click on "Download" link next to the Test module name to download and add the test module to exam engine.
Once the test module is download and added to CBT Exam Engine, a success message will be diplayed.
Click on "Close" to go back to main window, downloaded test module will be listed.
We also provide an option to download test modules from Urls if the test provider/author has uploaded the test modules on web and made available through Urls.
To add a test module through Url click on "Download Using URl".
You will be provided with a window where you can enter the URL for the .auth file. Note that only files created using Author Module (.auth) can be selected. Enter a valid URL and click on "Add" button
Once the Test Module is added successfully a message will be displayed for same. Click on "Ok" to continue. Please wait few seconds for Exam Engine to update and display added Test Module.